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Thursday, June 16, 2011


God knows I've never been a hockey fan. However, I live in BC, and despite my loathing of hockey, I was still secretly pulling for the Nucks to win. Anything Canadian VS American is worth getting behind, no matter what it is. Sure, there's lots of Canadians on the Boston team, but still. The rioting that happened after is a complete embarrassment. After the Olympics, people from all over the world fell in love with BC and it's beauty. After the riots, some of those same people will get disgusted and will not want to come back until that memory has been erased.

There's been a lot of speculation that some American started the flipping of cars, and fires, and breaking glass, and such, and I don't really know if I believe that; rather, booze started it all. Sure the bars were forced to stop selling alcohol at 4pm, but that doesn't account for the bars that start selling it at 11am. Downtown Van was dead thanks to so many people taking the day off, mostly so they could drink all day and celebrate yet another exciting tournament for a Canadian team.

I do however, feel very bad for the Vancouver Police. Those poor bastards. Fucking hockey.

The good thing about all this is, the news will FINALLY stop making the first 30 minutes of each 60 minute broadcast all about hockey and will actually focus on NEWS, and the CFL will start up right away!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

That was fun

What an interesting night. We went for a fire over at a friend's house. There had to be about 200 kids there (okay, 10) and some random drunk guy kept coming in the yard and rounding the kids up so they could watch as he set of fireworks. Some asshole (the host) gave them all whistles about 5 minutes before we got there. My ears are ringing.

98% of us used to work at a certain company called, rhymes with Lorseck. Anyway that's how all these people know each other. We had a lot of conversations about current and former employees, and wow did I learn a lot about the owner. I thought I knew a lot already. It's amazing what drunk people can teach you when you're sober and reading behind the lines.

Thing is, I worked at Lorseck for 8.5 days and quit. That should tell anyone who knows me exactly how often I was literally YELLED at. It takes a lot for me to give up at work, if that tells you anything. What a waste of my time that was. I probably could have had a much better job by now. I've farmed out about 20 resumes, so I'm hoping to hear next week.

I'm going to be extremely tired tomorrow. We didn't mean to stay up until 2am...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It smells like piss in here.

I hate having my cats cooped up like chickens. There's nothing I can do about it, especially since I don't have screens on my windows, and they can only be opened when I'm in the room. Otherwise, cats will be flying off the roof. That's the last thing I want.

I quit my job yesterday after being there 8 days. There's only so many times I want to be screamed at in front of the ENTIRE office because I can't read minds.

I'm not liking this town too much. I'm afraid when I lived in Calgary, I got REALLY addicted to having unlimited shopping at my disposal and an income that allowed me to entertain myself by spending money on random crap I didn't need.

Sadly, I left that job, and now I'm up in Northern BC hating life. See, it's cool that my best friend and her husband are here for me, meaning they're willing to pay for my food while I look for a job, and have given me a room for free with few expectations, but I'm not finding the kind of job I was hoping to get.

Granted, I've only been here not even a month yet, but I'll tell ya, I'm already thinking about moving on.

I've moved too many times in the last little while, so I will try to stay, as it's getting ridiculous. I'm quite sure people are thinking they can't rely on me, and since when am I one of those people? Never. I've always been reliable. I'm never late to work, I'll drop everything to help a friend, I never cancel on someone because I don't feel like leaving the house, I just simply don't do that.

Unfortunately, in the last 8 months, I've done all those things. And more. Each time I leave, there's pissed off people in my wake. This is NOT like me. I wish I could pin down why I'm having so many issues.

Is there something I'm not dealing with? I should probably look into that, huh?